Sailor Stitch and Sailer’s Edge

In a new twist, Sharon of Pintangle has given us two stitches this week for the Take a Stitch Tuesday challenge.  They are similar to each other with only a little variation.  I think they work well together.  In fact as I was stitching, I thought of many different ways to use these stitches to make different looks.  If all goes well, I try some of them out.  For now, it was ARMADILLO time.  Here are his leg armor.

leg armorFour leg and 4 foot plates.

leg armor close up 1The foot plate uses the sailor’s edge in two shades of pink and one of blue crewel wool.

leg armor close up 2Here I’ve used the sailor stitch around the outer edge and an alternating sailor down the center.  Two rows of running stitch give accent and bring in some color from the fabric of his underbelly.

legs beforeArmadillos have long, sharp claws.  These are vintage keys collected from my husband’s great uncle Clarence.  They are glued together in groups of three and wired onto the armature with purple plastic coated wire.

finished legsAll four legs finished!  Is it just me, or does any one else see chicken legs here?

armadillo legs side view

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3 Responses to Sailor Stitch and Sailer’s Edge

  1. Queeniepatch says:

    You are so resourceful! Old latchkeys for claws! The stitches and stiching, – perfect!

  2. Your armadillo is coming together beautifully!

  3. Linda says:

    keys!! very clever!!

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